
The Riches of Divine Wisdom: The New Testament’s Use of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Drawing upon many years of biblical research and teaching, Professor Gooding addresses the interactions of the Old and New Testaments by expounding key New Testament passages that use the Old Testament. First he examines the importance of the general relationship of the two testaments. He then considers five major thought categories of the New Testament’s interpretation that encompass the many...

have heard the voice of their Creator, and have put their faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. On that basis they have travelled through life at peace with God (Rom 5:1), happy in the possession of eternal life, and confident of being at last forever with Christ in the Father’s house above (John 14:1–3). That said, however, the New Testament itself will tell us (see, for instance, Heb 5:7–14), that for a mature understanding of the gospel, we must come to know ever more fully and exactly who Jesus Christ
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